Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sayonara, Ciao, Auf wiedersehen, Takso Ake...

Who am I kidding, I can't do two blogs so I'm taking this one off of the market.  Might be for awhile, might be forever, we'll see.  I invite you over to which is where I'm gonna hang out.  It is the blogspot of the monthly training group we've put together so you're gonna get a bigger bang for your buck because the members of that group are co-authors so you'll be gazing into their mental snake-pit as well as mine.  Come on over, become a member (a photo is required), and put in your two cents!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wrapping Up.

Kind of an abrupt end to my last entry... It was kind of an abrupt end to my Mom's life so it's a wash.

Can't really get back ahold of what was up for me last entry so I'll just paraphrase a summation; It fries my shorts that what the primary American values have come down to "might is right", "what is the minimum I have to do", and "if I don't get caught I didn't break the rules." Feels like the operational strategy is something along the lines of "it doesn't really matter if you do any good just make sure you don't do any harm."